Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I hate the labels

What? I think that you are going to be with me on this one. Do any of you have a CD and/or DVD case that is nice and sticky? You know what I'm talking about. Those nice "security" labels across the top CDs and on all three edges of DVDs leave a sticky mess! Removing one completely is almost impossible, and I am left wondering what purpose these serve. It is almost like we have to pass a test to see how badly we want to listen to a new CD or watch a new DVD. The shrink wrap should be enough. Can you easily open even the shrink wrap without scissors or a knife? Once you get over that hurdle, your reward is the super glue laden label. That residue almost turns your case into fly paper only it attracts dirt, lint, and hair. While the label does usually have some sort of identifying information on it, there has to be a better way. Anyone with me?

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

I like to think that this post is actually a metaphor about the "labels" that we assign to people in this society. It's so hard to see a person for what they really are. First, you must cut through the protective shrink wrap that people employ (clearly, a psychological defense -- thus "shrink" wrap). Even after getting through that, there are labels, whether affixed by ourselves or other people, that prevent one to get to the heart of the matter. Black, white, nerd, jock ... even long after these labels are applied and attempted to be removed, they leave marks that can never be erased, attracting the detritus of life.

But if it's not a metaphor, then yeah, I hate that sticky stuff.

Philip Heath said...

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Sigmund Freud

I hate to disappoint, but I intended no metaphor when I wrote the post. I have to admit that I like the thought. We do live in a world that likes things categorized, and thus, everything should fit in a nice, well defined slot. It is very superficial and shallow, but that is the world we live in. Was that a label?

Anonymous said...

I use a small knife with a thin blade, and it does a nice job of opening these things. You can also buy openers for them. Maybe Santa will put one in your stocking. Mom.