Monday, April 27, 2009

Amazon Round Up

Wow, it's really been a while. I've got a number of CDs and books for your consideration, and these are all over the place. Perhaps there's something you'll find interesting.


Pearl Jam - Ten Legacy Edition. If you're around my age, this was a high school classic.
Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson - Rattlin' Bones. This is a nice folk/bluegrassy CD.
K'Naan - Troubadour. Here's a little hip-hop courtesy of Vine.


The Monsters of Templeton - This is an odd family drama.
Running from the Devil - I really enjoyed this action/adventure novel.
Flint and Silver - I highly recommend this prequel to Treasure Island.
Dead Man's Dust - This is a special agent meets serial killer thriller.

Until next time...

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