Saturday, January 3, 2009

Amazon Vine Review: The Busy Family's Guide to Money

How are you with finances?  Perhaps good enough?  Are you like me, and you hate to even give the topic the time of day?  Fortunately, they've written a book for us called The Busy Family's Guide to Money, and I have just reviewed it for the Vine program on Amazon.  If you are already a finance whiz, there's not going to be much there for you.  However I learned a thing or two, and it's a book that points you to additional resources (mostly web sites) for additional information.  Enjoy.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read other books from Nolo, and I believe this would be a good guide for anyone, like me, who can't seem to stick to a budget, diet, schedule or any form of structure. I'd like to read a copy of it too. Mom