Monday, June 9, 2008


Have you ever noticed how much of your life you spend waiting for something? I'm sitting in the lobby at 24 Hour Fitness waiting to sign up for a Pilates Reformer class. There are only 10 slots, and this is the only evening class all week. The sign up sheet goes out at 6:30, but you have to come early and get in line prior to that. It's a worthwhile class, so I don't mind doing it once a week.

However it made me think about waiting in general, and I've found that I do a lot of it. I wait - as many of you do - in traffic or at stop lights. I wait for meetings to start at work - they never start on time.

While patience is a virtue, most waiting seems wasteful. Do you ever encounter the "hurry up and wait"?

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waiting at the doctor's office is one of the worst, especially after they put you in the room. I suppose I learned to be patient when I was growing up and my dad was always late. It's all part of life. We can't stress about it, and we can't be distracted while driving. Taking a book or project along does make time pass more quickly, but not while driving Mom