Monday, November 12, 2007

Enjoying the little things

In today's hustle and bustle life, it is easy to overlook the little things that bring pleasure. I noticed one of these yesterday, and I thought I'd post a list of a few that I could think of.

1. I was driving home from the gym yesterday with the window down, and the cool breeze was just about perfect.
2. Last winter I went to the gym on a chilly evening. When I arrived they gave me a towel that was fresh out of the dryer. When I put it around my neck, the warm feeling was very comforting.
3. Many of the recent days have had almost perfect weather. It's hard to beat a cool afternoon when the warmth of the sun feels just right.
4. If you like coffee, take a bite of dark chocolate and follow it up with a sip of rich coffee.
5. Or follow it up with a sip of bold red wine.
6. Can you beat the smell of a home cooked meal after a long day at work?
7. I barely get in the door of an evening before Kassie is there to greet me.
8. Sometimes it is just nice to finally lay down in bed after a demanding day.

I'm sure that you can think of your own list, and this is far from exhaustive for me. It's just some of the things that come to mind.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our leaves are past their peak now, and some have fallen. I've really enjoyed these beautiful days with bright blue skies and brilliant colors in the foreground. Mother nature paints a beautiful picture. I thank God for these sights and eyes to see them. I thank Him for my other senses, taste, smell, touch, etc. Dark chocolate and coffee-m-m-m! And dogs really are the best. Thank God for the little things that really aren't so little. Mom.